The Executive Director of the Gene Lewis Boxing Club, Joshua Benjamin, was recently recognized by the Phoenix Regional Sports Commission. The Gene Lewis Boxing Club, also referred to as the GLBC, has provided services for kids in the community 8 years and older that live in the community for decades. The boxing club serves to provide a positive environment where hard work in the classroom and positive contributions at home are stressed as focus points just as much as boxing technique. Joshua Benjamin, who has served as the club’s Executive Director for the past 7 years, was recognized for his work as a leading contributor in youth sports in Arizona. When asked about the recognition Joshua had this to say “I am humbled, honored and extremely proud to be recognized as a contributor in youth sports and I couldn’t have done any of this without the support of the community and the club, it’s really their award”.
GLBC Executive Director Joshua Benjamin, was approached to bring a GLBC style club to South Carolina. The potential boxing club would involve kids within the community starting at age eight years and above. One of the clubs main focus points would be to combat childhood obesity and provide kids with a positive outlet after the school day is over. Joshua Benjamin is a native of Charleston, South Carolina and has stated he is honored at the opportunity. The Gene Lewis Boxing Club leads the state of Arizona in college graduates over last seven years. It is also the only boxing club in the state of Arizona that is offered as a diversion program by courts.
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